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Wednesday, August 24, 2005

Maharashtra government & Jhony Joseph fail miserably

Post-flood relief measures taken by the govt. have failed miserably. Most of the rations and provisions meant for the flood affected have been diverted to the black markets. The people who were distributed the relief measures, were the ones who werent affected in the first place. All this was done in the presence of the supreme lady commander of thier party. Disease and epedimic is raging and the number of casualties are increasing by leaps and bounds. No one in the administration knows what to do.

Jhony Joseph - the crackpot IAS officer that he is - is such a moron - he woouldnt know where Mumbai was on the map of India - and the guy is the commisioner of the BMC. Pathetic. The other day there was (and rightly so) an article on this jerk - and it obviously walloped his reputation from all fronts. The next day there were some retaliatory letters from his fellow malloo brethen saying that he wasnt to blame. The IAS / Civil service system of the country is perhaps the biggest drain on India - for it doles out the worst kind of adminstrators - it must be quite a task to hand-pick the worst from all those who apply for joining the IAS.


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