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Wednesday, August 03, 2005

944mm 26/27 July : Our useless PM

A few days back when the city was submerged, our good-for-nothing Prime Minister, flew around over the city in a helicopter. Later he praised the state government (belongs to his own party) for the excellent work done by them in handling the situation. Now what can get better than this.

Also the big-T was whisked off from his buglalow in a boat to a five-star hotel. This time around the big-T has not made noises about the collapse of the situation. He's become old now. Even old animals in zoos seldom come out to greet visitors. Likewise him.

The big-B lost lots of stuff that he had stored in his basement. He joined the list of lakhs of such other 'ordinary' people who likewise lost their stuff on ground floors of buildings.

The chairman of a private firm that distributes power has dared the administration to arrest him and his cronies. Now everyone in India knows who actually runs the country. Its an old fact. Nothing new.

In a way people should have guessed that this was all coming. When it would come was the question. Its already on us now. Enjoy.

And in any case by next week people will say - "what rains ? where ?". 944mm would have become history. To be taught in geography classes, when they teach precipitation to the kids.


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