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Saturday, August 27, 2005

Hotel R

Just outside our office, across the lane is Hotel R. This place has been around for ages. Infact folklore says that it's situated on land owned by the company and infact the proprietor of Hotel R has even won a case against the company over ownership issues related to that land.

Now, Hotel R, caters primarily to our office people and the thousands of customers who pour in and out of our office all day. He serves decent tea and snacks like wade and smose and has recently also added more popular south indian and punjabi snacks to his repertory. Morning , lunch time and evening are usually when its packed and perons dont mind waiting for 5/10 mins. to get inside.

Its not a posh place. Rather seedy looking and dirty. Not the place you would enter after a first glance. But its good.

His boys are regulars inside our office and can be seen at any time ferrying parcels and flasks of snacks and tea/coffee to emplyoees at their workplaces. This is something even the company cannot provide to its emplyoees, excepting the glass house residents. His boys are never stopped by security and freely roam around, and even take orders from regulars during their sojourns inside. His boys know most people by name , face and department.

Infact this hotel can also serve as a important guiding point to his customers, coming for their work, into our company. His boys can direct them to the correct building/floor/officer for whatever work they have with the company. Our company, sadly lacks such a basic service for its own customers.

Recently there was some hue and cry over his boys invading our premises and there was some kind of ban of them entering. For obvious reaons, it didnt last long and they were back. After all even the law-imposers themselves benefit from this service. But soon after this, the proprietor of Hotel R, made his boys wear uniforms to reflect a distinguised look - maybe keeping pace with the corporate image of our company.


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