W.G.F.A. - Computer Science


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Wednesday, April 26, 2006

MMS, OBC, SC, ST and Infosys

Alt. title : Reservations in the private sector

Our old PM, Dr. MMS has turned out to be a spineless scum of the highest order. In order to appease his Italian boss and the stupid Leftist elements that support him, he has announced that the govt. wants to impose reservations in the private sector. He has asked CII and other "soft" bodies to "work" out some arrangement to this effect.

I used to think that old MMS had some brains - he was from the IAS and an eminent economist in his own right. But in his old age the poor guy has to stoop down to satisfy some of his greedy and worthless cronies. Its rather sad.

AP of Wipro has stated right away that there was no place for reservations at his firm. People would be employed only on merit. BC or FC ...

So all of you reserved guys out there ..... rejoice ... just imagine .... get yourself an SC/SC or an OBC (the indian equivalent of the OBE - heh heh heh- perhaps theyd have some most favoured OBC calling themselves the MBC - the indian equivalent of the MBE - heh heh heh) - and then walk into NRM's shoes at Infy.

Just great. What next ?

Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Killer boxes

Have you ever noticed the metal boxes that the BEST conductors use for their tickets. Most have dangerous twisted ends and/or are rusted. In a crowded bus, this can sure draw blood. And subsequently, the chance of sperading dangerous diseases like AIDs etc. Not to say of immediate injuries.

Cant this good for nothing BEST management, replace these with some fibre-graphite jobs, which also would be more lighter for the conductor and would also not be dangerous for the passengers.

After all whats the point in painting slogans such as "BEST is your own and any damage to that is like damage to oneself ... ". Loads of crap.

Ladies, ladies everywhere

Blame this one on the BEST. Recently, for some strange reason, the seats reserved for ladies in the buses have been relocated. Thevy been moved to the right hand side row and the one for senior citizens have been moved to the left row. However this seems to be the case in only some of the buses and many still have the older format of reserved seats. Now what is happening is that the "word has spread" about the new relocated seats. And as communication passes from one girl to another, it has been made out to mean as if new additional seats have been reserved for them. So as a result what we are wintnessing each day, are pitched battles between commuters over the status of these seats. Chaos and confusion rules ... the other standees and the conductor and driver get some not-so-high-quality free entertainment. After all its free. So why complain over the quality.

Ten thousand a day

Aapan share market madye ubhe rahilo, tar divasala daha te pandhara sahaj kamaoo. Aaple kevlya olhaki ahet.

This is a big one by Aflatoon. So next time you want to make 30 lpa just like that, you know whom to contact.

Friday, April 07, 2006

IIT's & IIM's get reserved

If the current Congress govt. minister, Arjun Singh has his way, then we shall see upto approx. 50% of the capacities of the IIT's and IIM's being reserved for SC/ST's, OBC and a whole lot of other 'reserved categories'. What this means is that open generakl category students will have lesser number of seats available to them.

Reservation has been a pet policy of governments all throughout. What can be better than having coveted seats secured for you and only you. There is no need to compete with the masses and other 'general category' people. Just walk in. And in return drop in a 'vote' for the guy who brought paradise closer to you. It really doesnt matter if you dont know the difference between maths and biology - but then that 'crucial vote' of your has paved the way. Good no ?

The govt. has justified that they will increase the intake of students so that the meritorious can also get in. (See the concern for the brilliant students that our govt. has) . I guess tomorrow IIT and IIM campuses will be more crowded than perhaps Dadar station. Dont be surprised if you do see this scenario a few years down.

Reservations are a curse and will remain till its abolished completely. What needs to be done (and also said by NRM) is that the economically backward people should be helped in getting prepared to the standards that are necessary to study in such institutions. Dont give them an open ticket. But due to these faulty policies what is happening is that people having realised the benefits of reservations have started making all efforts to come under one of the reserved umbrellas. Who doesnt like an easy route ?

Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Want to buy publicty ?

Bombay or Mumbai : Whats expensive here is property. Whats cheap here is publicty.

And when they build all these super tall skyscrapers - where do they expect all the crap coming out from all the residents to flow ? And will they fill their overhead and underhead tanks with Pepsi and Coke ? And where will these guys park their expensive cars ? Where will they drive them ?

Unstructured and random wrtings on things supposedly happening.


Too many cars in Bombay. Obvioulsy when you can get a car with just some coins in your pocket then what else can one expect. Loans. Loans. Kids are earning right when they get out of school. Anyway what will they do when all of the kiddie populace starts working in call centres. Who will call the call centers ?

Lata Mangeshi

Old LM has said that she never said what she was reported to have said about the Pedder Road flyover. The concerned newspaper sends tapes of her conversation. Anyway everyone gains in the process. LM and the paper get their much needed cheap publicty. The idle and lazy populace get thier daily fix of junk stories to be read in junk newspapers. Bloggers too can do their copy and paste tricks and fill up their never-to-be-read blogs. There is something in this for everyone.

Naked models

Some thing called a "wardrobe malfunction" happened recently. Well I would presume that the lock or latch to your cupboard got stuck or something or the door came off. But what is supposed to have happened is that some clothes (small peices of cloth that these girls 'cover' themselves with) fell of one such girl and the photographers and videographers soon got sore fingers from having clicked so many pictures. And now to entertain our lazy and perverted populace these MMS messages and exposed pictures from that show are filling up disk space all across the world. The police too jumped in and in the guise of 'investigating the case', they were able to satisfy their inner animal desires by watching the videos and pictures of the show. What more does one want - get to see naked women and get paid for it. Everyone gains - the models, the designers and the populace and the police and and the bloggers. Whats the difference between all of this and a sleaze joint or a dance bar ?

Wait for wait listed tickets

Remember when one came to Churchgate ot VT station the day earlier to stand/sleep in the queue to book rail tickets. We now have this internet booking facility (there is always some network connectivity failure at the server end) which has made things better (for a fraction of the ticket buying public) but the scene at VY and Churchgate pretty much remains the same. You are the first one in the queue on the opening day of booking and yet you get a wait listed ticket. Thats because the agents and the booking clerks are having a party at the four counters alloted for just them. And with each agent (earlier known as touts) carrying kilos of reservation forms , its no wonder that the helpless populace in the other normal queues get wait listed tickets. I cant wait for the day when the airline bookings go this way. This is summer vacation season when hoards of the temporary populace makes its way back to thier "muloook". The only sad part is that they all come back.

Stand during your your flight

Air travel has become cheap. Some start at Re. 1/- and for about 3k you can perhaps travel (fly) anywhere. Some airlines dont give you water, some dont give you chiken tikka and beer. Im waiting for the day when they will allow standees on a flight. And I'm also waiting for the spitters to paint their MF Hussains on the walls of the aircraft. And perhaps will strap extra luggage and suitcases over the aircrafts - fastened securely by thick nylon ropes - the way these inter-city private bus operators do. Lots of lessons to be learnt.


Well this was a clever one by some private institute in Aurangabad. Cashing on the IIM-A looking script, theyve done the same to their shop too. The Indian Institute of Hotel Management at Aurangabad just hopes that some gullibles will fall for the similar looking abbreviation.

Rapes - Give me more.

Some drunken and perverted (most of them are both) cop called "More" raped a kid last year. There was a lot of outcry and More finally was sentenced to 12 years of luxury. He said he's innocent (More probably thought that his current life was more luxurious than the one that awaits him). The judge however said he's guilty. Anway the thing is that this perhaps gives some kind of incentive for more rapes ? Remember there was this ad - Give me more ?

When will things become worse ?

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Gents seat in a BEST bus

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